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PHP_Dog Pet Knowledge_Care for Old Dogs

The dietary needs of older dogs will change, so give them the appropriate food. Generally, they need small but nutritious...


PHP_Dog pet knowledge_The secret of dog nose

How much do you know about the secrets of your dog’s nose! The little dent is the secret conduit: The...


PHP_Common diseases in dogs_Interdigital inflammation

When the dog's paws have the following symptoms, it may be that he has been poisoned by interdigital inflammation! The...


PHP_Common Dog Diseases_Respiratory Diseases

Everyone knows that when humans have a cold, they sneeze and have a runny nose, which is really uncomfortable. But...


PHP_Dog Pet Knowledge_Dog Walking Tips

Walking the dog is an important daily routine for every furry parent. However, certain ways of walking your dog may...


PHP_Dog pet knowledge_Don’t take a bath at this time

I just took the dog to take a bath, but the dog left forever! Poop scrapers must pay attention, it...


PHP_Dog pet knowledge_Gastrointestinal health

Every poop scooper knows it all too well. Who hasn’t experienced dog diarrhea? Or what about the trouble of soft...


PHP_Dog pet knowledge_Dogs are saying they love you

Dogs' love for humans is often hidden in small actions. If you observe carefully, you will find that your furry...


PHP_Dog pet knowledge_Be wary of these behaviors

Is he naughty while walking and jumping? NO! This is a distress signal! When the dog shows the following signs,...


PHP_Common diseases of dogs_Aging eye diseases

Aging dog eyes will also cause big problems. Not only will the eyes of older dogs become white and cloudy...


PHP_Dog pet knowledge_Puppies arrive home

Moving into a new home: Your dog wants to wander around, so be patient and wait for it to get...


PHP_Dog pet knowledge_Do dogs also have a body that is prone to obesity?

Which dog breeds are naturally prone to becoming obese ? If your dog is already obese, what methods can help...


PHP_Dog Pet Knowledge_Summer Pet Raising Tips

Parasites are rampant in summer. In addition to regular internal and external deworming, your pet’s physical condition must be carefully...


PHP_Dog pet knowledge_Let the dog urinate at a fixed point

Imagine taking your beloved dog for a walk and always worrying about it peeing everywhere. Don’t worry there’s a trick!...


PHP_Dog pet knowledge_Fur care

Proper coat care not only makes your dog look more beautiful, but also keeps them healthy. From regular grooming to...


PHP_Common Dog Diseases_Hypoglycemia

Is it possible that your pet has "hypoglycemia"? Don't ignore these symptoms! What causes hypoglycemia?


PHP_Common Dog Diseases_Nervous Diseases

Understanding common pet neurological diseases, and timely detection and treatment are crucial to maintaining pet health.


PHP_Dog pet knowledge_How to trim nails

"Kakakaka Your dog’s nails tell you they need a trim.” What will happen if you don’t cut it? Everything you...


PHP_Common diseases of dogs-eyes

Checking your dog's eyes should be part of their grooming routine. Their eyes should be clear, moist, bright and responsive...


PHP_Common diseases in dogs-arthritis

Arthritis occurs when a joint is damaged or its natural smooth surface is altered, causing rough bones to rub against...


PHP_Common Dog Diseases-Heartworm

All dogs should have regular heartworm blood tests each spring or before taking a new heartworm preventive.


PHP_Common diseases in dogs-ringworm

This highly contagious disease causes partial hair loss in dogs and can spread to other animals and possibly humans.


PHP_Common Dog Diseases_Cancer

Cancer is a "multifactorial" disease, meaning it has no single known cause. However, we do know that both genetic and...


PHP_Common diseases in dogs-Diabetes

It is important to understand that diabetes is considered a manageable disease, and many dogs with diabetes can live happy,...

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