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PHP_Common Dog Diseases_Respiratory Diseases

Even furry babies can purr when they catch a cold. ❓

As we all know, humans sneeze and have a runny nose when they have a cold, which is really uncomfortable. But did you know? Our furry dogs can also catch colds! Moreover, dogs also have a special cough called "kennel cough", which are the two most common respiratory diseases in dogs!

😷 dog cold

🔹 The main symptoms include runny or stuffy nose, red and swollen eyes with increased discharge, coughing or sneezing, loss of appetite, etc.
🔹 Dog colds are usually caused by viruses or bacteria. Common pathogens include coronavirus, adenovirus, etc.
🔹 Treatment measures include: giving the dog adequate rest, keeping the environment clean, feeding moderate liquid food, and using fever-reducing and cough-relieving drugs when necessary.
🔹 Most dog colds clear up on their own within 1-2 weeks, but if symptoms persist or worsen, you need to seek medical attention promptly.

😷 kennel cough

🔸 The main symptoms are dry cough or cough with phlegm. When coughing, a sound similar to "snoring" will be made, and the spirit may be slightly tired.
🔸 Kennel cough is also known as "canine infectious tracheobronchitis". Common pathogens include bacteria and Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
🔸 Treatment includes: isolating the sick dog, using antibiotics and other medications, and maintaining good environmental hygiene.
🔸 Kennel cough may lead to more severe pneumonia, so you need to seek medical attention promptly and receive professional diagnosis and treatment from a veterinarian.

If your dog shows these symptoms, please take him to the veterinarian promptly. During this period, please take care of it patiently and feed it an appropriate liquid diet to help it recover quickly!

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