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PHP_Common cat diseases-diabetes

Most cats suffer from type 2 diabetes, in which body cells do not respond to insulin and glucose cannot be broken down and accumulates in the blood. Symptoms include "eating too much, drinking too much, and urinating too much", decreased activity, lethargy, and weight loss. The most dangerous problem caused by diabetes is ketoacidosis. Symptoms of ketoacidosis include loss of appetite, weakness, lethargy, abnormal breathing, dehydration, vomiting and diarrhea. In severe cases, death.


A "high-carbohydrate, low-protein" diet is also one of the predisposing factors for diabetes. Feeders should feed high-quality canned, low-carbohydrate or raw food as much as possible. In addition, appropriately increasing the amount of exercise can also reduce the symptoms of hyperglycemia in cats.

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