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PHP_Management of arthritis in dogs

Arthritis is a progressive disease caused by swelling and inflammation of the joints. Although there is unfortunately no cure, with careful management, most pets can live comfortably for many years after diagnosis.

In addition to giving any medications prescribed by your veterinarian, there are many things you can easily do at home to help your arthritic pet stay comfortable. Learn more about arthritis and how to help manage arthritis in your pet below .

What are the symptoms of arthritis?

Arthritis is very common in older pets as their joint conditions worsen over time, but arthritis can also occur in younger animals with bone development problems (such as hip or elbow dysplasia) or injuries body.

Common symptoms include:

  • limp or limp
  • Stiffness - especially when getting up in the morning
  • Unwillingness to jump up, play, or walk
  • swollen joints
  • Frequent licking and chewing around the affected joint

If you notice any of these signs, it's best to contact your veterinarian for a checkup.

Home care tips for arthritis

weight management

Ensuring your pet maintains a healthy weight is crucial to managing arthritis. Not only does being overweight put additional stress on already inflamed joints, compounds found within the fat tissue itself can cause an increase in inflammation, worsening the disease. Going to a weight clinic with a veterinary nurse will help your pet maintain weight loss.


Unless your veterinarian advises otherwise, your pet must be provided with regular gentle exercise. Avoid playing chase games where your pet makes sudden turns, as this can put too much stress on their joints. Lying down for long periods of time can increase stiffness, so encourage your pet to move less and be more active.

Diet and Supplements

There are a large number of activity diets and supplements on the market of varying quality, so when choosing a diet or supplement for your pet it is best to seek advice from your veterinarian to ensure you are purchasing a product from a reputable company. Most diets and supplements are safe to use with your pet's medications, but it's best to check with your veterinarian first.

Tweak your home

Providing a soft, padded bed will help reduce stress on your pet's joints while they rest. The bed should be large enough for your pet to stretch out and have low sides so they can get in and out easily. Pets with arthritis are also more likely to fall on slippery surfaces, so using rugs to create pathways over wood or tile floors can help avoid injuries.

Stairs can also be dangerous for pets with arthritis, not only because of the risk of falling, but also because of the stress of repeatedly climbing up and down the stairs. Minimizing stairs and controlling and supporting stairs is critical to preventing repetitive trauma.

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